Roman Towns

and Celtic Villages


After their invasion in AD43, the Romans brought many changes to Britain. One of the most important was the building of Roman towns. The Celts had what you might call towns - collections of houses, workshops, barns and animal pens on top of a hill, protected by earthen ramparts and palisades of logs. But they had nothing like a Roman town, with its stone and brick buildings that were built to last. Indeed, many Roman buildings have lasted for 2000 years (or parts of them at least) and you can see their remains all over Britain.


The Romans built towns throughout their enormous empire, and all were built to a similar design. Not all were the same shape, but nearly all had the same sort of layout - a grid pattern like a chessboard. And they all had the same sorts of buildings - temples, theatres, baths, forums, and amphitheatres.


Follow the links on this page to learn what a Celtic house and village were like, what a Roman town looked like, and what sorts of buildings were found in a typical Roman town.




When you've explored these pages, try the Roman building game.

You can also try the map game - identifying buildings from a map of an ancient Roman town.


Venta Icenorum, Norfolk


Celtic villages & houses

Roman towns


Shops & Forums

Walls, Towers & Gateways



Basilicas (Town halls)



